The Chancellor of the Exchequer says that economic recovery is just around the corner. 财政大臣说经济即将复苏。
Friend, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer that this was not really about monetary policy at all. 朋友们,这一切和货币政策毫无相关。
The chancellor of the exchequer was given this sharp reminder of the uphill task facing the newly elected Conservative government on the same morning Mr Cameron was telling his cabinet he needed treaty change to sell a new deal on Europe to the British public. 英国财政大臣得到这个言辞尖锐的提醒,表明新当选的保守党政府面临着一项艰巨的任务。同日上午,卡梅伦告诉内阁,要向英国民众推销有关欧洲的新协议,就需要修订欧盟条约。
The UK Treasury said George Osborne, chancellor of the exchequer, had discussed his intention to become a founding member of the new bank with Jack Lew, his US counterpart. 英国财政部(Treasury)表示,财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)曾和美国财政部长杰克•卢(JackLew)讨论过成为亚投行创始成员国的意图。
We can expect a failed UK chancellor of the exchequer, now prime minister, to blame extraneous global forces for his mismanagement of public finances and propose a global regulatory framework as the solution. 我们预计失败的英国财政大臣(现在是首相)会将其对公共财政的管理不当归咎于外来的全球影响,并提出一个全球监管框架作为解决出路。
Following his resignation, the former chancellor of the exchequer has returned to the backbenches. 前财政大臣辞职后回到后座议员席。
The Chancellor of the Exchequer (英国的)财政大臣
Or is it, as Alistair Darling, chancellor of the exchequer, argued in his Budget speech on Wednesday, just one of a number of hard-hit high-income countries? 抑或是像英国财政大臣阿利斯泰尔达林(AlistairDarling)上周三在预算演说中所主张的那样,英国只是众多遭受重创的高收入国家之一?
In1929, just to unload the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill's post and several companions came to the United States, speculation has been a master of Baruch hospitality. 1929年,刚刚卸去英国财政大臣之职的丘吉尔和几位同伴来到美国,受到了投机大师巴鲁克的盛情款待。
But the chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, has been quick to claim that the drop in the government's borrowing costs indicates the markets'confidence in his deficit-reduction plan. 但是财政大臣乔治奥斯本已经快速地声称在他削减赤字的计划中,政府借款成本的下降显示了市场的信心。
The Chancellor of the Exchequer refused to ask parliament to abolish the tax on alcohol. 财政大臣拒绝让议会废除对烈性酒的征税。
Alistair Darling, UK chancellor of the exchequer, said on Monday that he planned legislation this year to force banks to write living wills. 英国财政大臣阿里斯代尔达林(alistairdarling)周一表示,他计划在今年立法,强制银行拟定“生前遗嘱”。
Lord Lamont, a former chancellor of the exchequer, recently joined Boris Johnson, London's mayor, in calling for a rethink, describing the levy as "too high compared with other European countries". 英国前财长拉蒙特勋爵,最近联合伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊,一致认为和其他欧洲国家相比英国征税太高,呼吁大家重新思考。
In Britain the Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes and government spending. 英国的财政大臣负责税务和政府的开支。
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is putting a financial ceiling on the Health Service. 财政大臣给保健服务定下了经费上限。
He was England's worst Chancellor of the Exchequer. 他是英国最糟糕的财政大臣。
Alistair Darling, British Chancellor of the exchequer, yesterday called for a global deal "to insure against the possibility of banking failure in future", in addition to the levies on the banking industry already announced in Britain, France and the US. 英国财政大臣阿里斯泰尔达林(alistairdarling)昨天呼吁,在英国、法国和美国对银行业开征新税之后,世界各国还应达成一致行动协议,“以防范未来银行倒闭的可能性”。
On April 22, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced The Budget. 4月22日,英国财政大臣公布了财政预算案。
The foreign secretary will address London's diplomats at the Easter banquet, and the chancellor of the exchequer will give the annual Mansion House speech at the bankers 'dinner in June. 英国外交大臣将在复活节宴会上向伦敦的外交官们发表演说,而英国财政大臣将于明年6月在金融城市长官邸(MansionHouse)举行的银行家宴会上,发表一年一度的演讲。
The Chancellor of the Exchequer-our Chief Finance Minister-has said the no economy can remain totally insulated from the effects of a global slowdown. 财政大臣-即我国的首席财政部长-说过没有一个经济体能够免受全球经济萧条的影响。
Now the former chancellor of the exchequer has published his memoirs. 最近,这位前财政部大臣推出了自己的回忆录,书名题为“绝境逢生”。
There is a big job to be done building personal political relations with him which is why he will meet the prime minister, deputy prime minister, chancellor of the exchequer and foreign secretary. 与他建立个人政治关系是件大事,他将会见首相、副首相、财政大臣和外交大臣,原因就在这里。
The budget is written by the chancellor of the exchequer, who as an executive agent makes the difficult trade-offs between spending and taxes. 英国财政大臣作为一个行政代理人,在对支出和税收进行艰难权衡之后,提出一个预算草案。
George Osborne, UK chancellor of the exchequer, on Wednesday presented his comprehensive spending review as a programme for growth, fairness and reform. 英国财务大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)周三公布了他的《全面支出评估报告》(csr),并将之作为一项促进增长、公平和改革的计划。
The chancellor of the Exchequer groaned about our dwindling dollar resources. 财政大臣为我们日益减少的美元储备而叫苦。
Most of the academic objections to this would be overcome by a temporary indirect tax cut which the UK chancellor of the exchequer can announce any time under "regulator" powers. 暂时性的间接减税将会消除学术界对此的大多数反对意见,而英国财政大臣随时都可以利用“监管者”的权力宣布减税政策。
Each year the Royal trustees, who include the prime minister and Chancellor of the exchequer, will turn themselves into a Remuneration Committee determining how much of this grant the family requires, with a portion of any excess being put into a contingency fund for bad years. 每年,包括首相和财政大臣在内的王室受托人会组成一个酬劳委员会,决定王室家庭需要多少经费,并将多余收入中的一部分存入一项应急基金,为不好的年景做准备。
Last year we called for an impartial inquiry into the role of banking and the independent commission announced this week by the chancellor of the exchequer fits the bill in terms of remit and membership. 去年,我们呼吁对银行业的角色进行公正的调查。就职权和成员资格而言,英国财政大臣上周宣布成立的独立委员会完全适合承担这一任务。